
Strengthening civil society, informal sector and private sector participation in forest law enforcement and governance (SCIPFLEG)

The ‘Strengthening civil society, informal sector and private sector participation in forest law enforcement and governance’ (SCIPFLEG) project to reduce illegal logging recently closed and we have an overview of the activities, results and achievements here.

Year 2 of the SCIPFLEG project has come to a close. You can read an update here to find out what we’ve been doing to protect the forest from illegal and corrupt logging.

We have an update of the SCIPFLEG forest project that tells you about some of the interesting and unexpected outcomes from the first year. Have a look here… and read about the 3-year project activities and objectives below.

Aim: To contribute to improved forest governance in Ghana

Specific objective: To increase private sector, informal sector and civil society engagement in Ghana’s VPA/FLEGT implementation processes and reducing corruption through training SMEs in compliance and increasing the capacity of forest fringe communities to participate in the implementation of LAS

Expected Results:

1. 60 small and medium-size operators and 120 artisanal timber groups (producers and traders) are complying with the requirements enshrined in the implementation of FLEGT/VPA in Ghana

2. Corruption addressed/reduced through established and strengthened constructive dialogue platforms for information and experience sharing and other channels

3. Increased participation of 30 CSOs, 30 media and 200 forest fringe communities in forest governance (FLEGT) especially the LAS and in stimulating market demand for legal timber


  • Conduct training needs assessment across and among different categories of SMEs and artisanal timber millers
  • Design and produce training modules
  • Train 60 SMEs in how to comply with the FLEGT/LAS and EU Due Diligence requirements
  • Train 120 artisanal timber millers in how to comply with FLEGT/LAS and legal timber requirements for the domestic market
  • Establish and sustain 20 constructive dialogue platforms at the district level
  • Train the media in identification and reporting corruption in the forestry sector
  • Organise anti-corruption community forums in forest fringe communities led by selected law enforcement agencies
  • Design and televise adverts that indicate actions that constitute corruption and the associated penalties
  • Conduct training needs assessment aimed at building the capacity of CSOs, media and forest fringe communities to participate in FLEGT implementation
  • Conduct awareness raising and capacity building activities in relation to FLEGT and domestic demand for legal timber
  • Review, develop and produce stakeholder-specific reference materials
  • Train 60 CSO representatives to lead civil society led independent monitoring to support the work of government appointed Independent Monitor
  • Organise training workshops to build the capacity of forest fringe community representative leaders to negotiate and monitor implementation of fair Social Responsibility Agreements (SRAs)

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