Atewa Forest Campaign

Atewa Forest Campaign

As part of the Green Livelihoods Alliance Ghana project, FoE-Ghana has been supporting A Rocha Ghana and many other civil society and conservation organisations to push the Ghana government to reverse its decision to mine the precious Atewa Forest for bauxite. A Rocha Ghana’s Atewa pages and their dedicated Atewa Forest website both have lots of information on Atewa Forest and why it should not be mined, and there’s also lots of news on the many activities led by the Concerned Citizens of Atewa Landscape and local, national and international NGOs demanding protection of the forest from mining.

Friends of the Earth Ghana has also supported with press conferences, press releases, and letters to Chinese financial institutions that may either directly finance Ghana’s developing bauxite industry or be repaid for project finance using receipts from Ghana’s refined bauxite. The campaign is calling for Atewa’s bauxite to be excluded from any finance deal and for government to rescind its decision to mine Atewa Forest for bauxite. Below are FoE-Ghana-led activities to support the campaign:

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