Forests & Biodiversity

Forests & Biodiversity

Towards the Establishment of Baselines for VPA Impact Monitoring in Ghana.

Our project entitled “Towards the Establishment of Baselines for VPA Impact Monitoring in Ghana” (EBIM), kindly funded by the EU FAO FLEGT Programme, has developed a set of indicators and a baseline against which future changes in forest governance can be measured. The report contains the baseline and indicators that civil society, the government and other stakeholders can use to monitor for changes towards good governance. Read more about the project and download the full report here

Strengthening Civil Society Informal and Private Sector Participation in Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (SciPFLEG)

Strengthening Civil Society Informal and Private Sector Participation in Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (SciPFLEG)is a 3-year (2013 – 2016) project funded by the European Union and implemented by FoE-Ghana and the Working Group on Forest Certification Ghana. The expected impact  is to improve forest governance by reducing illegal logging and other corrupt practices in the forestry sector. This will contribute towards the sustainable management of Ghana’s forests.  Read more

Enforcement and Governance for Sustainable Forest Management (CiSoPFLEG)

Enforcement and Governance for Sustainable Forest Management (CiSoPFLEG)is a 3-year EU funded project to support progress with the Voluntary Partnership Agreements between the EU and partner countries towards implementation of the EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan for improved the forest governance. Both Ghana and Cameroon have signed VPAs and are now developing systems to control, verify and license legal timber in the two countries. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Côte d’Ivoire are now at the negotiating stage. Read more

The Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA)

The Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) is an international project funded by the Government of Netherlands. FoE-Ghana is one of the partners implementing the Ghana component. The three main Ghana partners are: Tropenbos International GhanaA Rocha Ghana and Friends of the Earth Ghana. You can read more about the Ghana project here.

Other Forest and Biodiversity projects

Biodiversity Conservation and Community Ecotourism Development of the Tafi Atome Wildlife Sanctuary.

The arrival of Christianity in Ghana began to erode traditional beliefs and customs that were protecting biodiversity, including the Mona monkeys of Tafi Atome. FoE-Ghana worked with the local communities to help reinforce protection of the monkeys as well as their habitat and the local biodiversity. Read more

Lake Bosumtwe

FoE-Ghana has completed two projects at Lake Bosumtwe supporting communities towards sustainable use and management of the lake, its resources and the surrounding lake basin. This has involved training school children in biodiversity assessment and monitoring, as well as awareness raising and training for communities in sustainable livelihood activities. Read more

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