E.U Drawing Awards

E.U Drawing Awards


In the run-up to the COP21 in Paris, the European Union, together with the French and Norwegian Embassies, and Ghana’s Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation and the Environmental Protection Agency, held a National Schools Drawing Contest on Climate Change encouraging children to paint a picture of what climate change means to them. 

There were three categories: primary, junior high and senior high schools. Awards were given to those ranked 1st to 3rd in each category. 

The Director of Friends of the Earth-Ghana, Dr. Theo Anderson, was asked to present the 2nd prize junior at the award ceremony held at Alliance Française in Accra on 11 November 2015.

The paintings showed the children had a very good understanding of climate change and how it will impact on Africa. Many of them painted desolate landscapes, people trying to farm bare lands, the occasional dead tree protruding from the landscape. but they also depicted hope: pictures of wind turbines, sunshine on solar power panels, and people planting trees all across the landscape.

FoE-Ghana contributed a prize to visit some of Ghana’s field projects, which we hope will give the winners very positive ideas about what can be done to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The first prize for the senior school winner is a trip to observe the COP21 meetings in Paris and perhaps share some experiences of coping with climate change in Ghana.

To read more about the programme here, and also see the paintings selected for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each category here.


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