
Our Projects

Friends of the Earth Ghana recently held a press conference with A Rocha Ghana as part of the GLA project to urge the government to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on its proposed bauxite mining in the Atewa Forest. Have a look here to see our concerns and demands.

Forests and Biodiversity

Forests and Biodiversity

Our project entitled “Towards the Establishment of Baselines for VPA Impact Monitoring in Ghana” (EBIM), kindly funded by the EU FAO FLEGT Programme, has developed a set of indicators and a baseline against which future changes in forest governance can be measured.

Women’s Empowerment

We have two projects helping women farmers improve farm productivity and environmental sustainability, adapt to climate change impacts, participate in environmental decision making, and improve their access to resources such as fresh water.

Water and Sanitation

We’ve got an update on our EU-funded WATSAN project to tell you about what we’ve been doing to support communities’ demands for accountability, and what they’ve been doing to get water and sanitation services into their communities

Women’s Empowerment

Peaceful and Sustainable Development in the Northern Region

The Northern Region in Ghana has faced tribal conflicts, poverty, out-migration of youth, and low economic opportunities. The 2002 Dagbon Chieftaincy crisis and Nanumba/Kokomba conflicts increased instability in the region, leading to disrupted education and high failure rates. Additionally, the area has experienced poverty, food insecurity, low women’s participation in decision-making, and rising HIV/AIDS concerns. This project aimed to tackle these challenges.

Women and Youth Economic and Social Empowerment for Sustainable Development in the Volta Region of Ghana

FoE-Ghana collaborated with the Polish Green Network to address various problems including lack of income generating skills for women and girls, low awareness of HIV/AIDS and poor quality school facilities. The project also organised an awareness campaign in Poland about the project and the development needs of African countries.

Communities and civil society empowerment for environmental governance in rural areas

Funded by the Commonwealth Foundation in the UK, this project is increasing women farmers’ capacities to advocate and lobby policy makers for participation in agricultural and environmental policy and decision making that will help them adapt to the environmental and climate change impacts they are experiencing.

Climate change adaptation, poverty & women subsistence farmers

Funded by the UK Department for International Development (DfID), we are supporting around 1,000 women farmers to improve the sustainability of their farming systems and helping them adapt to climate change impacts. This will contribute to improving their farm productivity and also the food security of their families and communities. We are also providing communities with facilities such as water boreholes for potable water.

Water and Sanitation

Funded by the EU, this project is empowering civil society, community based organisations (CBOs) and communities to demand accountability from their local government – the District Assemblies (DAs) – for meeting communities’ rights to basic services.

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